
CALICO 2015 Monograph co-edited by Ed Dixon and Michael Thomas

Researching Language Learner Interactions Online: From Social Media to MOOCs. Also featured is a review by Elena Martín-Monje.

Penn Language Group for Global Professional Communication

Formerly known as the Business Languages Group, PLGGPC just launched a new website.

Williams 440 Repurposed

Williams 440 has recently been modified to serve as a communicative and collaborative space.

In the Spotlight at PennWIC

On May 2, a couple of us from WIC attended the Penn Language Center’s 8th Annual Showcase and Teaching Award Program...

Call for Abstract Submissions

for the 2015 Volume in CALICO's Monograph Book Series titled Researching Language Learner Interaction Online: From Social Media to MOOCs

PLC is accepting proposals for SAS Language Teaching Innovation Grants

Applications for 2014 SAS Language Teaching Innovation Grants will be accepted until December 20, 2013. Click here for more information.

Beginning Tibetan offered Spring 2014

PLC adds Tibetan as a new language to its course offerings.

Foreign Language Certificate in Instructional Technologies and Online Learning

PLC is offering a new certificate program. Click here to learn more.

Language Direct is accepting requests and applications

PLC's Language Direct Peer Tutoring Program is back up and running for the 2013-2014 academic year. Visit the Language Direct site for more information.

Open Enrollment for Online Summer Language Courses at Penn

PLC and LPS announce their Summer 2013 online course offerings!