
Japanese (日本語 Nihongo) is a language spoken by over 120 million people in Japan and in Japanese immigrant communities. It is a member of the Japonic (or Japanese-Ryukyuan) language family, which has a number of proposed relationships with other languages, none of which has gained wide acceptance among historical linguists.

Japanese is an agglutinative language and a mora-timed language. It has a relatively small sound inventory, and a lexically significant pitch-accent system. It is distinguished by a complex system of honorifics reflecting the nature of Japanese society, with verb forms and particular vocabulary to indicate the relative status of the speaker, the listener, and persons mentioned in conversation. Japanese vowels are pure.

Although Japanese is written using Chinese characters, and has historically imported many words of Chinese origin, the two languages are not considered to have a genealogical relationship.The Japanese language is written with a combination of three scripts: Chinese characters called kanji (漢字?), and two syllabic (or moraic) scripts made of modified Chinese characters, hiragana (ひらがな or 平仮名?) and katakana (カタカナ or 片仮名?). The Latin script, rōmaji (ローマ字?), is also often used in modern Japanese, especially for company names and logos, advertising, romanization of Japanese characters, and when entering Japanese text into a computer. Arabic numerals are generally used for numbers, but traditional Sino-Japanese numerals are also commonplace (see Japanese numerals).

Source: Wikipedia


Course Offerings

JPAN 0103 Spoken Japanese I
JPAN 0105 Spoken Japanese II    
JPAN 0760 Japanese for the Professions I    
JPAN 0860 Japanese for the Professions II
JPAN 1080/6080 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency I
JPAN 1085 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II    

View course descriptions. Additional Japanese language courses are offered by the Japanese Language Program in the Department of East Asian Languages & Civilizations.



Tomoko Takami

Course Schedule

Title Instructors Location Time Description Cross listings Fulfills Registration notes Syllabus Syllabus URL Term
JPAN 0105-680 Spoken Japanese II Lewis E Harrington WILL 27 MW 5:15 PM-7:14 PM Although some reading/writing instruction is given, the major emphasis is on oral communication skill. JPAN5105680 2025A
JPAN 0860-680 Japanese for the Professions II Tomoko Takami WILL 421 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM An intermediate level course of Japanese language focusing on workplace-related topics. Intended for students who will use Japanese in the professions. Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese. JPAN5860680 2025A
JPAN 1085-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II Nana Takeda Kolb CANCELED This course is for students with an advanced-low or advanced-mid background in Japanese, aiming to strengthen the four language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) and to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture. The class will use authentic Japanese through media, such as newspapers, television, and articles, regarding Japanese culture and society as well as current news. Students will narrate, describe, and express their opinions with details, examples, and strong reasoning, using sophisticated terms and phrases related such topics. JPAN6085680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202510&c=JPAN1085680 2025A
JPAN 5105-680 Spoken Japanese II Lewis E Harrington WILL 27 MW 5:15 PM-7:14 PM Although some reading/writing instruction is given, the major emphasis is on oral communication skill. JPAN0105680 2025A
JPAN 5860-680 Japanese for the Professions II Tomoko Takami WILL 421 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM An intermediate level course of Japanese language focusing on workplace-related topics. Intended for students who will use Japanese in the professions. Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese. JPAN0860680 2025A
JPAN 6085-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II Nana Takeda Kolb CANCELED This course is for students with an advanced-low or advanced-mid background in Japanese, aiming to strengthen the four language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) and to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture. The class will use authentic Japanese through media, such as newspapers, television, and articles, regarding Japanese culture and society as well as current news. Students will narrate, describe, and express their opinions with details, examples, and strong reasoning, using sophisticated terms and phrases related such topics. JPAN1085680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202510&c=JPAN6085680 2025A
JPAN 0103-680 Spoken Japanese I Lewis E Harrington COHN 204 MW 5:15 PM-7:14 PM Intended for students who have no Japanese background. The major emphasis is on oral communication skills, although some reading and writing instructions are given. Japanese pop-culture will also be incorporated. JPAN5103680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202430&c=JPAN0103680 2024C
JPAN 0760-680 Japanese for the Professions I Tomoko Takami WILL 705 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM An intermediate level course of Japanese language focusing on workplace-related topics. Intended for students who will use Japanese in the professions. Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese Through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese. JPAN5760680 2024C
JPAN 1080-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency I Nana Takeda Kolb WILL 202 MW 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This course is for students with an advanced background in Japanese, who are interested in taking at least the Level 2 Japanese Proficiency Test. Solid grammar, an extensive vocabulary, and the knowledge of at least 800-900 Chinese characters is required. This course is not continuous with any existing intermediate or advanced-level Japanese course; therefore, your grade from any of those courses does not qualify you to take this class. Eligibility will be determined through an interview and placement test taken in the first meeting. All students who take this course are required to take the Japanese Proficiency Test in December. Since the JLPT is administered in December every year, if you wish to fully prepare for the test, the instructor strongly recommends that you take Advanced Proficiency II in the same calendar year. For example, if you plan to take the test in December, take Advanced Proficiency II the prior spring and take Advanced Proficiency I in the fall. Different from other courses, this full-year course begins in the spring and ends in the fall, because the test is given in December. However, participation in 482 is optional. JPAN6080680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202430&c=JPAN1080680 2024C
JPAN 5103-680 Spoken Japanese I Lewis E Harrington COHN 204 MW 5:15 PM-7:14 PM Intended for students who have no Japanese background. The major emphasis is on oral communication skills, although some reading and writing instructions are given. Japanese pop-culture will also be incorporated. JPAN0103680 2024C
JPAN 5760-680 Japanese for the Professions I Tomoko Takami WILL 705 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM An intermediate level course of Japanese language focusing on workplace-related topics. Intended for students who will use Japanese in the professions. Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese Through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese. JPAN0760680 2024C
JPAN 6080-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency I Nana Takeda Kolb WILL 202 MW 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This course is for students with an advanced background in Japanese, who are interested in taking at least the Level 2 Japanese Proficiency Test. Solid grammar, an extensive vocabulary, and the knowledge of at least 800-900 Chinese characters is required. This course is not continuous with any existing intermediate or advanced-level Japanese course; therefore, your grade from any of those courses does not qualify you to take this class. Eligibility will be determined through an interview and placement test taken in the first meeting. All students who take this course are required to take the Japanese Proficiency Test in December. Since the JLPT is administered in December every year, if you wish to fully prepare for the test, the instructor strongly recommends that you take Advanced Proficiency II in the same calendar year. For example, if you plan to take the test in December, take Advanced Proficiency II the prior spring and take Advanced Proficiency I in the fall. Different from other courses, this full-year course begins in the spring and ends in the fall, because the test is given in December. However, participation in 482 is optional. JPAN1080680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202430&c=JPAN6080680 2024C
JPAN 0105-680 Spoken Japanese II Lewis E Harrington PSYL C41 MW 1:45 PM-3:44 PM Although some reading/writing instruction is given, the major emphasis is on oral communication skill. https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202410&c=JPAN0105680 2024A
JPAN 0860-680 Japanese for the Professions II Tomoko Takami WILL 421 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM An intermediate level course of Japanese language focusing on workplace-related topics. Intended for students who will use Japanese in the professions. Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese. 2024A
JPAN 1085-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II Nana Takeda Kolb BENN 406 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM This course is for students with an advanced-low or advanced-mid background in Japanese, aiming to strengthen the four language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) and to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture. The class will use authentic Japanese through media, such as newspapers, television, and articles, regarding Japanese culture and society as well as current news. Students will narrate, describe, and express their opinions with details, examples, and strong reasoning, using sophisticated terms and phrases related such topics. JPAN6085680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202410&c=JPAN1085680 2024A
JPAN 6085-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II Nana Takeda Kolb BENN 406 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM This course is for students with an advanced-low or advanced-mid background in Japanese, aiming to strengthen the four language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) and to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture. The class will use authentic Japanese through media, such as newspapers, television, and articles, regarding Japanese culture and society as well as current news. Students will narrate, describe, and express their opinions with details, examples, and strong reasoning, using sophisticated terms and phrases related such topics. JPAN1085680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202410&c=JPAN6085680 2024A
JPAN 0103-680 Spoken Japanese I Lewis E Harrington WILL 305 MW 1:45 PM-3:44 PM Intended for students who have no Japanese background. The major emphasis is on oral communication skills, although some reading and writing instructions are given. Japanese pop-culture will also be incorporated. https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202330&c=JPAN0103680 2023C
JPAN 0760-680 Japanese for the Professions I Tomoko Takami WILL 214 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM An intermediate level course of Japanese language focusing on workplace-related topics. Intended for students who will use Japanese in the professions. Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese Through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese. 2023C
JPAN 1080-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency I Nana Takeda Kolb WILL 25 MW 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This course is for students with an advanced background in Japanese, who are interested in taking at least the Level 2 Japanese Proficiency Test. Solid grammar, an extensive vocabulary, and the knowledge of at least 800-900 Chinese characters is required. This course is not continuous with any existing intermediate or advanced-level Japanese course; therefore, your grade from any of those courses does not qualify you to take this class. Eligibility will be determined through an interview and placement test taken in the first meeting. All students who take this course are required to take the Japanese Proficiency Test in December. Since the JLPT is administered in December every year, if you wish to fully prepare for the test, the instructor strongly recommends that you take Advanced Proficiency II in the same calendar year. For example, if you plan to take the test in December, take Advanced Proficiency II the prior spring and take Advanced Proficiency I in the fall. Different from other courses, this full-year course begins in the spring and ends in the fall, because the test is given in December. However, participation in 482 is optional. JPAN6080680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202330&c=JPAN1080680 2023C
JPAN 6080-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency I Nana Takeda Kolb WILL 25 MW 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This course is for students with an advanced background in Japanese, who are interested in taking at least the Level 2 Japanese Proficiency Test. Solid grammar, an extensive vocabulary, and the knowledge of at least 800-900 Chinese characters is required. This course is not continuous with any existing intermediate or advanced-level Japanese course; therefore, your grade from any of those courses does not qualify you to take this class. Eligibility will be determined through an interview and placement test taken in the first meeting. All students who take this course are required to take the Japanese Proficiency Test in December. Since the JLPT is administered in December every year, if you wish to fully prepare for the test, the instructor strongly recommends that you take Advanced Proficiency II in the same calendar year. For example, if you plan to take the test in December, take Advanced Proficiency II the prior spring and take Advanced Proficiency I in the fall. Different from other courses, this full-year course begins in the spring and ends in the fall, because the test is given in December. However, participation in 482 is optional. JPAN1080680 https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202330&c=JPAN6080680 2023C
JPAN 0105-680 Spoken Japanese II Ryo Nakayama WILL 723 TR 5:15 PM-7:14 PM Although some reading/writing instruction is given, the major emphasis is on oral communication skill. https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202310&c=JPAN0105680 2023A
JPAN 0760-680 Japanese for the Professions I Tomoko Takami CANCELED An intermediate level course of Japanese language focusing on workplace-related topics. Intended for students who will use Japanese in the professions. Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese Through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese. 2023A
JPAN 0860-680 Japanese for the Professions II Tomoko Takami CANCELED An intermediate level course of Japanese language focusing on workplace-related topics. Intended for students who will use Japanese in the professions. Textbook: Powering Up Your Japanese through Case Studies: Intermediate and Advanced Japanese. 2023A
JPAN 1085-680 Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II Nana Takeda Kolb WILL 25 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM This course is for students with an advanced-low or advanced-mid background in Japanese, aiming to strengthen the four language skills (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) and to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture. The class will use authentic Japanese through media, such as newspapers, television, and articles, regarding Japanese culture and society as well as current news. Students will narrate, describe, and express their opinions with details, examples, and strong reasoning, using sophisticated terms and phrases related such topics. https://coursesintouch.apps.upenn.edu/cpr/jsp/fast.do?webService=syll&t=202310&c=JPAN1085680 2023A