
All workshops will take place simultaneously in Williams 440 and online.
To sign up, go to http://tinyurl.com/plcworkshops-2017-2018
For questions, contact Ed Dixon, PLC Technology Director.
edixon@sas.upenn.edu | Williams Hall 715



Content Management with Pages in Canvas  

Tuesday, 9/12 from 4PM to 5PM
Pages give instructors complete control over the organization and creation of content, integrating text, multimedia, links, and files. This session will cover the basics of using Pages.

Assignments and Gradebook in Canvas  

Thursday, 9/14 from 3PM to 4PM
Every item in the Canvas Gradebook must be created as an Assignment. This session will introduce the creation of assignments and grades.

Online Quizzes in Canvas
Thursday, 9/14 from 4PM to 5PM
Design quizzes for improving linguistic accuracy and checking comprehension through both closed and open-ended questions.

Tuesday, 9/19 from 3PM to 4PM
This workshop will show an easy way to host online meetings and guest presentations with live voice, video, and synchronous chats using ZOOM.

VoiceThread, Threaded Discussions, and Yellow Dig in Canvas

Tuesday, 9/19 from 4PM to 5PM
Get ideas for using VoiceThread, Threaded Discussions, and Yellow Dig to develop the students’ presentational oral and written skills with self-recorded videos and text posts.

Panopto in Canvas

Thursday, 9/21 from 3PM to 4PM
Learn techniques for recording, managing, editing and sharing video presentations including capturing lectures.


View the flyer.