
Image removed.Going Global with
Business Languages:
Secrets of Success

The 5th Annual PLC Symposium features stories from successful business language programs at the University of Pennsylvania. Gain inspiration from language experts and educators who teach business language courses in the College and the Wharton School. PLC brings together experts from Organizational Dynamics, Wharton, Lauder and Huntsman Programs to offer advice on how to tap into a wide range of cultural and business traditions and discover the best tips, strategies and ideas to enhance your teaching and learning strategies. Practical applications of business language curricula for online learning and teaching will offer advice on how to best help your students with career placement with global companies. Hear from students and directors of these prestigious programs about how their experiences can inform practices for your educational organizations. The Language Expo will showcase info tables highlighting Penn programs, international companies, and Chambers of Commerce.

Keynote address by Kenric Tsethlikai, Ph.D.

Managing Director, The Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania

In collaboration with:

•    Huntsman Program in International Studies & Business
•    The Lauder Institute
•    College of Liberal & Professional Studies
•    Online Learning, Arts & Sciences
•    Organizational Dynamics

Sponsored by:

Perry World House


View the symposium program and presenters.



This event is free to Penn faculty, staff and students.
Registration fees for non-Penn guests are as follows:

  • $25 online graduate student registration
  • $80 online general registration
  • $90 on-site registration (cash or check only)

Click below for the registration form:

Campus Map

Directions to Huntsman Hall
Penn Parking