
Since 1989, Penn Language Center (PLC) has supported and strengthened Penn’s dynamic and diverse language education community. In particular, PLC focuses on current trends in language instruction and teaching from the National Standards.

The Center remains committed to its structural flexibility enabling its staff to respond to changing demands for language instruction in a variety of languages that are not offered within the typical programs of established departments.

PLC encourages dynamic and diversified language education with an emphasis on multilingual and transcultural competence that enrich both the curriculum and the research effort of the academic community.


What PLC Does

For Students

  • Offers courses in less commonly taught languages and languages for a specific purpose
  • Supports language study through Language Direct Peer Tutoring
  • Administers proficiency testing in PLC languages
  • Provides waivers in less commonly taught languages

For Faculty

  • Organizes the Pre-semester Orientation for new teaching fellows and lecturers
  • Provides pedagogy and technology training
  • Offers professional development opportunities for the language teaching community
  • Hosts the annual PLC Language Educator Symposium
  • Enriches courses through the SAS Language Teaching Innovation Grant


Translation and Interpretation Services

Penn Language Center does not typically offer translation or interpretation services. However, we may be willing to collaborate with other Penn organizations to assist with such needs. For all other inquiries, please contact PLC faculty directly.