
Meaningful Interactions in the Classroom: Who Says What to Whom, How, and Why

As a follow up to last year's symposium, PLC lecturers are invited to a Back to Basics workshop with Dr. Catherine Box of GSE. This workshop will explore what communication entails, and how to enhance interaction in your language classroom. Participants will gain hands-on experience with task design, implementation, and assessment, with a focus on using these tasks to spark authentic classroom communication, in all of its linguistic and paralinguistic facets. Bring your wonderful ideas and your zest for learning more about language teaching!

Dr. Box comes from a family of proud teachers, and she began her teaching career in the college composition classroom at West Chester University. After receiving her master’s degree in English and her high school teaching certification, she began working with English teachers in the Greater Philadelphia area and then in high schools in Paris, France. In all of these classroom experiences, Dr. Box was particularly drawn to exploring the challenges of students who were learning the dominant language of the school and were adjusting to life in a new country. She returned to the United States to pursue a doctorate in Applied Linguistics at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she taught adult ESL and French courses. Click here for more about Dr. Box.