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with Tomasz Pudłocki
Assistant Professor, Institute of History, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Thursday, April 16th at 7:00 PM
Fisher-Bennett Hall, Room 201


According to Austrian writer Robert Musil, Central Europeans before 1914 were regarded as narrow-minded, quarrelsome, and passionately hedonistic. They focused only on the pleasures and problems of everyday life. On the other hand, basic texts of the time reveal the strong presence of religion, as clergymen greatly influenced behavior norms and ways of thinking. How could so many churches and synagogues exist alongside neighborhood brothels and bars that thrived? How can we characterize the religiousness of Central Europeans and their mentality? In this lecture, Pudłocki will address this paradox at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.  

Tomasz Pudłocki specializes in the history of Galicia from a socio-cultural point of view, as well as the history of women and intellectual history. He most recently published his Associate Professor book on Polish-British intellectual connection in the interwar period. He is a member of the Commission on History of Women (Polish Academy of Science), a member of the Commission on History of Science (Polish Academy of Arts and Science), and former President of the Society of Friends of Science in Przemyśl. He has authored and co-edited several publications.

This event is sponsored by the Polish Language Program at Penn Language Center. For more information, please email adzie@sas.upenn.edu.