
Penn Language Center is proud to present its 7th Annual SAS Language Teaching Innovation Grants Showcase on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 in the Max Kade Center, 3401 Walnut Street Room, 329A. Grant recipients from the 2012 cycle will present the outcomes of their projects. The winner for Best Project will receive a $1000 prize. Come show your support for fellow colleagues and be inspired to apply for your own grant. A reception will follow.

Below are this year's presenters and their project titles:

Rébaïa Saouli-Corley
Interactive Grammar Exercises on Canvas at the Advanced Level

Ihnhee Kim
Cultural Literacy Practice Through Folk Tales

Haewon Cho
Online Korean Language Placement Test

Lillyrose Veneziano Broccia
Approaches to Teaching and Learning Italian Online

Abeer Aloush
Creating Video Clips for Online Elementary Arabic

Grace Wu
Online Beginning Business Chinese Course

Victoria García-Serrano
Update and development of the Spanish 202 audio-visual collection

Beata Gallaher
Online Elementary Polish

María Paredes Fernández
Creation of an Interactive On-line Syllabus for Accelerated Elementary Spanish